Planning and Engineering Service
Continuous developments within automation techniques always offer the organisation owner new possibilities to make his plant operation more flexible and more efficient. The foundation for this is the planning of the automation project. A precise combination of the concepts in the areas of mechanical engineering, technical processes, production and economics with the possibilities of automation systems and controlling methods, is key.
To support your personnel, we offer a comprehensive engineering service for every phase of your automation project.
- Pre-Engineering
During the course of the pre-engineering, after a detailed clarification of the task to be done, we work out different solution possibilities for your project. We establish precise project descriptions for hardware and software engineering and installation, and we calculate the necessary order quantities.
- Hardware Engineering
Based on your technical information we do tailor-made planning for MCC´s and system wiring. All this is documented in form of circuit plans, installation plans, cable and terminal lists. Our company uses primarily the documentation system EPLAN.
- PLC Programme Establishmen
We develop an appropriate automation structure for your project which, for medium and complex usage, guarantees a high level of programme and data transparency. For the operation and supervision of your plant we combine all the functions necessary which the user requires in order to maintain absolute control of the process at all times.
The documentation of the established software has a high priority within our company. Transparent, comprehensible and explicit is our motto.
- Commissioning and Commissioning-Support
No matter if systems were planned by us or a third party, we act as a competent partner for the start-up of the system. Since we are familiar with the latest controlling techniques, mechanical engineering and the processes of cement manufacturing, we are for you the right choice for the start-up of new and modernised production systems.