The efforts of large companies to strengthen their global market position has also affected KMI. During the 90's we mainly worked on projects within Germany and German- speaking countries. In the last years, however, we have dramatically increased our European and world-wide activities.
We are now offering our engineering services and our PLC systems to plants in Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Asia, Africa and the US. We were presented with interesting challenges which we willingly accepted and enjoyed handling. We were pleasantly surprised that our independent engineering service has not only been accepted but continues to be requested by large companies.
Excerpt of our projects
Upgrade of two control systems in a south German cement plant
For a southern German cement plant, KMI updated the two PCS7 control systems from CEMAT version 8 to the latest version PCS7 V9 with the minerals standard.
The software of all 18 controlers was adapted within 8 months and was installed and put into operation in the factory during the annual winter maintainance.
Intergration of a clinker transport into PCS7 Minerals
For a southern German cement plant, KMI integrated an existing clinker transport based on Wonderware into the new PCS7 V9 with the minerals standard.
The software of the controlers was adapted according to the plant standards and was installed in the factory and put into operation during the anual maintanance period.
Upgrade of a control system of a northern German cement plant
For a northern German cement plant, KMI updated one PCS7 control systems from CEMAT version 6 to the latest version PCS7 V9 with the minerals standard.
The software of the controlers was adapted within 4 months and was installed in the factory and put into operation during the maintanance periods.
Integration of a new plant area into the existing control system in Belgium
To integrate a new grinding plant bought by our customer KMI converted the existing PLC and HMI software and merged the grinding plant into the existing PCS7 V9 control system based on the minerals standard.
Modernisation of the Kiln Control in a Cement Plant in Germany
Also by means of CEMAT we modernised the entire energy supply (coal dust and gas) and the clinker transport for a kiln during the annual winter renovation. Besides the new system parts, we were able to integrate older versions of already existing automation systems into the new PCS7 / CEMAT Version 5.